Joining the Lodge is by invitation only and requires two current members to propose and second the nomination. Our Lodge is almost unique in English
Freemasonry in that we only accept new members as initiates, someone who is not already a Mason.
The procedure for joining is simple but a bit lengthy and usually takes about 12 months. The basic procedure is:
- If you are interested in joining you will need to have a current member of the Lodge to sponsor you. He will arrange for you to meet with two of our members who are London based.
They will answer any questions you may have and get to know you.
- If both sides are happy to proceed further then your sponsor will invite you to a number of informal events, drinks or dinners over a 6-8 month period. During this time you will be
introduced to more members.
- After that, if you are happy to make the commitment of time that the Lodge requires your sponsor will arrange for another member who you have met to second your nomination. They will
then arrange for a formal meeting with five Past Masters and a 30 minute formal interview will be held.
- If the Past Master are happy then your application to join will be read out in the next Lodge meeting and you will be brought into the Lodge in the following meeting.
Usually the biggest issue prospective members have is the time commitment that is required:
- The Lodge meets four times a year which all members are expected to attend (as far as practical). The meetings are: 4th Thursday in September, 2nd Wednesday in January, 1st Wednesday in
April (Installation Meeting), 1st Monday in July.
- The meetings start at 5pm at Duke’s Street, St. James, and finish by 7pm. We then dine at the Travellers Club which finishes at 9:30pm. (Informal drinks follow for anyone not rushing
- We also have two or three social events during the year, usually in London.
- As people become more senior in the Lodge and take on the working roles of Deacons, Wardens or Master then they are required to attend two practice meetings before each Lodge meeting.
These are held at Freemasons Hall and usually start around 6pm and last for 1 hour.
There is also a financial commitment which is:
- A joining fee: Currently £250
- A monthly standing order to cover your annual membership fees and the cost of dinner for the four meetings: Currently £40 per month
- A monthly standing order for a charitable donation: The amount is entirely up to you but £20 is the average